Join Our First Neighborhood! HafH wants to open up foreigner’s options to live/stay/work in Japan!!

Join Our First Neighborhood! HafH wants to open up foreigner’s options to live/stay/work in Japan!!


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What’s HafH?

Pronounced “hǽf,” HafH stands for Home away from Home. It’s an innovative way of creating a completely new community, where the focus is on sharing accommodation and office space, thereby sharing life in a local community. We are starting from Nagasaki, Japan on makuake.

Subscribe to a HafH plan and stay in any co-living space around the world as long as you want at a fixed monthly rate.

Everything you need is included in the monthly subsciption price: rent, deposits, honorarium/key money (a nonrefundable token of thanks), all utilities, internet fees and taxes. It’s an innovative way of sharing living and working space provided through subscription plans. The plans are available for a minimum of one month. We aim to offer an accommodation sharing service that’s open to everybody—regardless of nationality, sex, religion, ethnic origin, or background—to colive in a home away from home.

Do you know what co-living is?

In Japan it’s a new term in the sharing economy field. Co-living is more open to the outside and focuses more on creating a community through a long-term stay than short-term stays at guesthouses.

Purpose-minded people—like entrepreneurs, students, and artists—are looking for convenience and creating these new lifestyles. The term co-living has been spreading slowly in Japan. HafH is easily understood by people around the world because it shares the co-living and co-working concepts, but it will take more time for co-living to become widely known in Japan.

●Three features of HafH

We are developing a subscription platform that enables subscribers to live in properties around the world for as long as they want for a fixed monthly rate. So who will benefit from this?

Unlike usual sightseeing trips, as long as you stay in a HafH property, you will not have to pay accommodation fees. Don’t decide on your destination first and then find accommodation. Instead, choose where you want to stay from among HafH’s properties. Then you can become intimate with the people of an unfamiliar town and learn how wonderful that town is. Explore the town and the area based on the recommendations of locals instead of guidebooks.

Unlike usual guesthouses and co-working spaces, you can choose where you work as you like. On top of a mountain, on a beach, at the seaside, or while watching people passing by on a busy shopping street. The “work while traveling around the world” lifestyle will let you experience just how enjoyable, how fun, and what a pleasure your work is! HafH properties come with beds an bedding. When you feel tired, take a nap for an hour! What’s more, while many co-working spaces are not available after 22:00, HafH is different: if you’re a night owl, HafH is the place for you!

Unlike usual housing properties, all HafH plans include everything you need—rent, deposits, honorarium/key money (a nonrefundable token of thanks paid to the landlord, which is a difficult-to-understand Japanese custom), all utilities, internet fees, and taxes. And, of course, there is no term commitment other than a HafH plan subscription being for a minimum of one month. HafH plans offer choices to those who are going to, or want to, stay at a home away from home on a short-term basis. Our service is particularly suitable for foreign students and workers in Japan and for those who live somewhere else but want return to Japan for a few months.

We are committed to creating safer, more secure spaces and community environments where everyone can see who’s staying and how it’s organized, which we’ve done by designing our system in such a way that all residents can share the information.

#The number of non-Japanese people residing in Japan has hit a record high. (As announced in September 2018 by the Ministry of Justice)

The number of foreign residents in Japan has now surpassed 2.63 million, which is larger than the population of Kyoto Prefecture (2.59 million, according to data released by the Kyoto Prefectural Government in October 2018). Among foreign residents, the numbers of people from Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam and Indonesia are rising notably, as is the number of people from China. The number of students who want to learn Japanese is also increasing. But foreigners seeking to rent accommodation in Japan face various restrictions and barriers, particularly in rural areas. They have very limited options simply because they are foreigners. We hope to change the unfair, unjustifiable, traditional customs creating these difficulties. We will organize comfortable living environments for foreigners by capitalizing on housing vacancies.

●HafH plans: Simple and convenient

We know there are plenty of similar co-living services, but our plans are simple and easy to understand!

❶ Always in HafH

If you are going to move within two years and have limited options when it comes to if you are going to move within two years and have limited options when it comes to choosing where to live or if you want to move before your current rental contract comes up for renewal (usually after two years), this is the plan for you. Our assumed subscribers include foreign students who only need to stay in Japan for several months, foreign tourists staying in Japan on a relatively long-term basis, and freelance workers living in Japan while enjoying a “travel is my life” lifestyle.

❷Sometimes in HafH

This plan is designed for those who want to live in multiple houses lightheartedly while basically living in their own homes; those who live in central Tokyo during the week but want to travel to other areas in Japan or go abroad every weekend; and those who want to move around the world without carrying luggage while having their own homes.

❸Working in HafH

We live in an age when we can work anywhere as long as we are connected online. This plan is suitable if you have realized that you don’t have to work in a fixed location. If you want to improve the way you work, if you want to have separate places for working and sleeping, if you need some nap time during your work hours, or if you want to choose where to work as you like but without a bedroom, try subscribing Working in HafH plan!!

●Trial HafH

Want to work at HafH? Want to rent a meeting room at HafH? Want to take a nap at HafH? Experience Trial HafH! We will also increase HafH properties with lodging for tourist use by adding beds to our facilities. They will be bookable for a minimum of one hour, for multiple hours, for overnight stays, or for multiple nights. Whatever you need! From short stays to long stays, we hope to create a community that accepts diversified ways of living.



●The first HafH property is opening in Nagasaki, one of Japan’s most popular tourist destinations.

As the first destination for realizing the “work while travelling” lifestyle, we have chosen the city of Nagasaki, hometown of many of the HafH project’s members, located in Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. For nearly 400 years, from the 16th century to the second half of the 19th century, Nagasaki was Japan’s only door to the outside world, housing the only foreign settlement permitted under the shogunate’s policy of national isolation. The city also attracted people from all over Japan who were interested in learning about the West and absorbing the knowledge that it had to offer. With this distinctive historical background, Nagasaki has always had a unique culture.

With Japanese society now becoming increasingly diverse, we hope to revive this inclusive social environment in Nagasaki. Nagasaki has much more to offer today in addition to the Hidden Christian Sites and other attractions included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. We expect the new HafH spirit of diversity and inclusion to be transmitted from Nagasaki and shared with other cities around the country.

●Quality aspects of the first HafH facility, SAI

The first HafH facility will be “SAI.” It’s a three-story building that will have a café on the ground floor, a co-working space and a dormitory for tourists on the second floor, and co-living space on the third floor. The name comes from MODA SAI, a luxury bag shop that used to occupy the building.

Up-and-coming architect Yu Momoeda has been commissioned to design the renovation of the building. Momoeda worked under world-famous architect Kengo Kuma, whose ongoing major projects include the new National Stadium that will be the main venue of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Momoeda now has his own practice and is the winner of a 2018 Architectural Review Emerging Architecture award and other international awards. You can also come and see for yourself how he is realizing our request to “create a casual, welcoming space.”

The HafH café on the first level will be a place where tasty coffee, great books, and intriguing creative personalities come together. We have asked Gaku Mukaiyama, the first Lead Barista of Blue Bottle Coffee Japan, to take on general supervision of the café. Original coffee drinks will be served in Hasami ware, pottery from the famed Hasami district of Nagasaki Prefecture, a centuries-old center of ceramics production. For books, local expert/curator Ryohey Ide will select titles to entertain and enlighten people gathering from all over Japan and the world.

That’s not all! In collaboration with Snow Peak Business Solutions, we have joined forces with the OSO/TO (outdoor small office/third office) brand. As such, HafH SAI will be one of the largest OSO/TO spaces in Japan. Hold a meeting on the rooftop on a sunny day or in an indoor tent on a rainy day. In an out-of-the-ordinary environment, participants will be inspired and come up with innovative ideas.

We are also paying the utmost attention to the audio environment for our work spaces. Through an impending service agreement with R-LIVE (scheduled to be signed by the end of 2018), we will give our spaces outstanding sound quality with high-resolution sound sourced from nature in accordance with the season and the time of day. Holding a meeting in a Snow Peak tent will feel like working in a real forest. 

Other services at SAI: A meeting room and a presentation space will be available free of charge for Always in HafH, Sometimes in HafH, and Working in HafH subscribers, except that Work in HafH subscribers will have to pay a fee after 22:00. Equipped with a printer, with free refills of tasty coffee. 

The first “work while travelling” HafH site is scheduled to open on January 8, 2019. Super-bargain vouchers can now be preordered on the makuake site. Great offers include nearly-50%-off bargain vouchers, as well as exclusive usage rights under our Lifetime in HafH* offer.

* We intend to offer HafH plans based on a monthly subscription system under which fees will be charged every month unless you cancel your subscription. Lifetime in HafH is a special offer that allows users to maintain their subscriptions without monthly charges until the subscriptions are cancelled.

●What will happen from now on

1)Enjoy HafH in Nagasaki

We expect to have an increasing number of Always in HafH subscribers using properties in Nagasaki and therefore plan to expand the HafH network in the vicinity soon. We have joined hands with Nagasaki House Burabura, a guesthouse located in a scenic fishing village, which will be used as a partner site. The second HafH-brand property will be an older traditional house with a Japanese garden scheduled to open after February 2019. We are making preparation to have several other HafH properties open by the time we deliver makuake returns to those who support us.

2)Beyond Nagasaki in Japan and abroad

We plan to expand our operation from Nagasaki to all of Kyushu, all over Japan, and abroad and hope to connect a large number of foreigners wishing to visit Japan with places to stay in Japan. HafH is accelerating its efforts to increase the number of properties in Japan and overseas. 

Our current plan includes opening four additional facilities in Japan (in Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo, and Yokohama) and two facilities abroad (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Hanoi, Vietnam) as partner sites by March 2019, when makuake returns will be provided to those who support us. The latest information is available at

We are preparing to expand HafH’s overseas network in Asia—in ASEAN countries, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and India—as soon as possible. Our efforts in Europe and America will follow.

●Who is KabuK Style Inc.? Toward a diverse and inclusive society

KabuK Style Inc. is a company founded by KJ, who worked as an investment banker for more than 10 years, and Ryo, who has been responsible for many marketing and public relations schemes at a leading ad agency. Other members include an internationally acclaimed young architect, an IT engineer who has worked as the manager of major system development projects, a real estate specialist who has been involved in hotel development projects around the world, and a former bureaucrat who has left a career as a government official.

We are releasing information and recruiting team members on Wantedly.

In this constantly changing world, we hope to continue taking on exciting challenges that we could not tackle when we were employed by major companies or the government. We welcome your support to help build a society where diverse values are accepted. 

Why not join us !?

Select a reward

Select a reward

This purchase agreement will be confirmed when you complete your payment.

【Heartwarming HafH for Students】HafH Novelty

【Heartwarming HafH for Students】HafH Novelty

Pledge ¥3,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

Only for university students.

【Trial HafH】 A one-night stay at HafH with breakfast + an original HafH silicone case.

【Trial HafH】 A one-night stay at HafH with breakfast + an original HafH silicone case.

Pledge ¥5,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

Receive a coupon good for a one-night stay at participating HafH locations that includes breakfast and is valid until December 2019. The coupon may not be accepted at “members only” facilities. Rooms can be booked through the member app. For more details, we will send a message to each donator through Makuake.

【For Users】 10 cups of coffee and an original,Hasami ware Maruhiro mug.

【For Users】 10 cups of coffee and an original,Hasami ware Maruhiro mug.

Pledge ¥5,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

You will receive 10 coupons good for cups of coffee (including lattes) at any HafH Cafe and a Maruhiro, Hasami mug. Considering one latte costs 450 yen, and you get a 2,000 yen mug, it is an incredible deal! Coupons are valid until December 2019 and can be used at all HafH Cafes. Coupons will be distributed through the member app. For more details, a message will be sent to all donators through Makuake.
* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Heartwarming HafH】 HafH’s original card case.

【Heartwarming HafH】 HafH’s original card case.

Pledge ¥5,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

You can help support HafH through this option.
You will receive a thank-you letter and an original HafH silicone for use with Suica and credit cards. HafH members will receive it as a free gift. It can also be used as a key-card. We can’t wait for you to join us!

【Trial HafH】 A three-night stay at HafH + An original Hasami were Maruhiro mug

【Trial HafH】 A three-night stay at HafH + An original Hasami were Maruhiro mug

Pledge ¥10,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

This coupon will allow you to stay for three nights alone, or for one night with three people at HafH and also includes breakfast.
This coupon can be used at all participating HafH facilities through the end of December 2019. “Members only” HafH facilities will not accept them. Rooms can be booked through the member app. We will send out more detailed information to donators through Makukae.
The normal price for one night is 3,800 yen, but we are able to offer this special deal only through Makuake.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Hartwarming HafH】 An assortment of HafH’s original goods.

【Hartwarming HafH】 An assortment of HafH’s original goods.

Pledge ¥10,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

Original HafH goods bearing our logo will be sent, along with a coffee aroma.

・A Hasami ware mug which can be used at the HafH Cafe
・A 200g bag of roasted beans, “Mihoshi Coffee,” which will be sold at HafH Cafes
・A silicon card case which will be given to HafH members
・A towel which will be used at HafH

【Along with HafH】 Opening Party Ticket + HafH’s original mug

【Along with HafH】 Opening Party Ticket + HafH’s original mug

Pledge ¥10,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

We will hold our grand opening celebration party in Tokyo, January 2019 for the KabuK Style members who founded HafH. KJ and Ryo, the CEOs, and others will get together under the guise of “working.” We will conduct interviews with public figures and invite members of the Association of People from Nagasaki. After the funding period ends, the date of the event will be determined. If you are unable to join us, we will send out assorted HafH swag instead.

・A Hasami ware mug which can be used at the HafH Cafe
・A 200g bag of roasted beans, “Mihoshi Coffee,” which will be sold at HafH Cafes
・A silicon card case which will be given to HafH members
・A towel which will be used at HafH

【Working HafH】 One month free coupon + an original Hasami ware Maruhiro mug.

【Working HafH】 One month free coupon + an original Hasami ware Maruhiro mug.

Pledge ¥10,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

You will receive a coupon, which can be used at all HafH facilities with an adjoining co-working space, for one month along with a Hasami ware Maruhiro mug.

Please register by the end of December 2019 in order to use the coupons, which will then allow you to use the co-working space for one month. You can use the member app to book the co-working space. We will send more details to donators through Makukae.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Heartwarming HafH】 An assortment of Nagasaki specialty items.

【Heartwarming HafH】 An assortment of Nagasaki specialty items.

Pledge ¥30,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

For those who do not want HafH’s goods, but still want a little special something from Nagasaki.
We will send out our personal favorite Nagasaki goods. What you get will be a surprise! If you have a request, though, let us know. Maybe we will send it ;-)

【Sometimes in HafH】 Get 50% off a three-month coupon!

【Sometimes in HafH】 Get 50% off a three-month coupon!

Pledge ¥48,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

You will get a coupon good for three months that will let you be a “Sometimes in HafH” member.
It can be used at all HafH facilities.
The normal rate is 32,000 per month (96,000 for three months), but we will offer a special discount only through Makukake.

Please register by the end of December 2019 in order to use the coupons, and you can be a “Sometimes in HafH” member for three months. Booking HafH facilities will be available through the member app. More details will be sent to donators through Makuake.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Always in HafH】 A trial coupon for one month (for the first five people only).

【Always in HafH】 A trial coupon for one month (for the first five people only).

Pledge ¥77,777

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

You will get a one-month trial coupon as an “Always in HafH” member.
You can use HafH Nagasaki SAI and HafH Nagasaki Tateyama (name is subject to change). The normal price is 82,000 yen a month, but we will offer a special discount only through Makuake.

Please register by the end of December 2019 in order to use the coupons. You will then be able to use either of these facilities for one month. Bookings will be available through the member app. Depending on the number of vacancies, there may be a wait.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【For the first three people only】 “Always in HafH” one year membership (about 50% off!).

【For the first three people only】 “Always in HafH” one year membership (about 50% off!).

Pledge ¥500,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

As a “Always in HafH” member, you will have access to all HafH facilities for a whole year.
This normally costs 82,000 yen a month (984,000 yen a year), but we are offering a special discount through Makuake.

Please register to be a “Always in HafH” member before the end of December 2019, and you will be able to use all of our facilities for a whole year. Bookings will be available through the member app. For more details, we will sent out message via Makuake to all of donators. There may be a wait depending on the number of vacancies available.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Cooperate Contract】 “Work in HafH” one year membership (maximum of 20 people)

【Cooperate Contract】 “Work in HafH” one year membership (maximum of 20 people)

Pledge ¥1,000,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

By becoming a “Work in HafH” member, up to 20 of your employees can use the HafH facilities for one year. The normal cost is more than 2,000,000 yen. Please make use of our meeting rooms and all of our other amenities.

Please register for “Work in HafH” by the end of December 2019. Then, you and our employees can use HafH’s facilities for one whole year. We will send out a message regarding registration in March of 2019.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Keep Working in HafH】 Permanent membership + An assortment of HafH’s goods

【Keep Working in HafH】 Permanent membership + An assortment of HafH’s goods

Pledge ¥1,000,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

Become a HafH member for life.
Make use of all of the HafH facilities around the world.

Please register for “Work in HafH” by the end of December 2019, and you can use HafH facilities for life. Booking will be available on the member app. We will send out more detailed information to donators through Makukake.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Always Sometimes HafH】 Permanent membership + an assortment of HafH goods.

【Always Sometimes HafH】 Permanent membership + an assortment of HafH goods.

Pledge ¥2,000,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

What is up with that crazy name?! Anyway, what is means is that you can become a life-long member of “Sometimes in HafH.” All of the HafH facilities around the world will be available to you.

Please register for “Sometimes in HafH” by the end of December 2019, and you can become a life-long HafH member. Booking HafH facilities will be available through the member app. More details will be sent to donators through Makukake.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.

【Always in HafH for good】 Permanent membership + an assortment of HafH goods

【Always in HafH for good】 Permanent membership + an assortment of HafH goods

Pledge ¥3,000,000

Estimated delivery: Mar.2019

You become a HafH member for life and can use all of our facilities around the world.

Please register for “Always in HafH” by the end of December 2019, and you can become a lifelong HafH member. Booking HafH facilities will be available through the member app. More details will be sent to donators through Makuake. There may be a wait depending on the number of vacancies.

* For more details about the available facilities where the coupons can be used, please see the home page.